Troll’s Weird Ideas

Who are we? Why are we here?

What the heck is going on here?

What is this stuff?

My answers to these questions tend toward a Toaist-Quantum Physics mishmash

Multiple Simultaneous Incarnations

We are each simultaneous incarnations of the same soul, which is the only “self” in existence. This soul creates the world by dreaming the life of each part of it, and in some ways corresponds to what some people call “God”.

All of our individual traits are mortal, and will pass with our deaths, but this single bit of self-awareness, this “I am” is immortal.

We are individual and mortal in our specific incarnations, just as photons are particles when examined in a particular way. But we are also part of a larger whole, a vibrant wave pattern wherein each part is connected to and affected by the others, the way light “particles” “know” the state of a diffraction slit though which they have not themselves passed, because of their dual nature as waves.

So… Treat others as you would treat yourself, because… they ARE you.

Instant Karma

“Instant karma’s gonna get you, gonna knock you right off your feet…
better recognize your brother– everyone you meet…
Why in the world are we here? Surely not to live in pain and fear…
Why on earth are you THERE?, when you’re EVERYWHERE,
gonna get your share!” — John Lennon

The extremely short version: “I’m God. So are you” ….. Now What … or maybe … ‘So What’?”

One part of the extremly long version would be my  60-page Senior Essay from St. John’s about the strange immaterial nature of material existence.


Some people, used to the philosophical framework of religion might ask, do I believe in God?… Yes and No, More or Less…

I DO NOT believe in God in the sense that I think most people mean it when they use that word, with the usual baggage that comes with the term.

I have had experiences which I believe indicate things about the nature of the universe, which might correspond to what some people call “God”.

I am willing in some circumstances to refer to this concept as “god”, as a starting ground for discussion.

In other words, I probably believe in something that you might call “God”, but I probably disagree with you about what it is, because of the inaccuracies inherent in the word.

Do I “have faith” in this “god”? Not in the sense that most people mean “faith”, which seems to me a belief in something for which you have neither empirical evidence nor any logical way of deriving it from other empirical evidence.

I DO however, believe some things that can sound pretty outlandish to some people, and for which I could never produce a proof to others.

The difference, I feel, is that these beliefs spring from things I have experienced, internally, mentally, spiritually, and it doesn’t matter to me if anyone else believes them. I have “empirically” experienced them, but others may not have. They may, in effect, be “true” only for me, and I’m OK with that… although I always enjoy finding resonance and similarity in other’s experiences.

Nor do I have “faith” that “everything will turn out all right”, or that the terrible things that happen are part of “god’s plan”, so that they are somehow not really horrible.

The universe is sublimely apathetic about our fates. That said, there is also no “wrong” way for things to turn out, either. You can either feel bad about it, or roll with the punches and laugh. I try to laugh.

If I really thought the horrible things that happen are part of “gods plan”, I’d find that very depressing.

I’ve got no time to waste on the mountains of dogma and very specific beliefs piled up by organized religions. There is nothing in them of value that cannot be gotten from simply looking around at the world and your fellow humans with open eyes, open mind, and open heart. The rest is just a source of confusion and strife between differing factions of “believers”.

Miscellaneous Weird Ideas

Mike, an alert reader pointed out the following omission from this site: “I was just checking out the Philosophy section at and thought there is a glaring omission. Here in Amherst we refer often to Troll’s Law of Determinist Animism (1980), which holds that:

“If you kick a rock while walking it is because the rock wishes at that moment to travel along to visit another rock.”

Also of note… the coining of the term “clingy breathers” in collusion with Jeff and Tim (here fully explained by Tim), ought really to be included in any comprehensive compendium of Trollish Philosophy:

Clingy Breathers: Primordial and questionably significant lifeforms existing in the flux between reality and imagination, named for the respiratory functions they exhibit in their natural habitat. Perched on exposed rock fields and ambulating across crumbling mountainous terrain, their prehensile members defy gravity and common sense as they bask in the searing rays of their home planet’s star, confused beyond the ability to communicate in sentences longer than three words. See also, Howfah izzitoo lodges.

And finally:

Thrizzle Moot Kromply

Fah Teg, Storm Narzp


Torteg Vovo, true unbelievers!